Hey guys! I know it's been a long time, a lot has changed in my life since my last post and I'll tell you everything about it little by little. I quit posting 'cause I didnt really have time, since moving, college applying and now, college, consumes a lot of my time. But now I'm on my winter break, so I don't really have much to do haha and since a lot of people have been asking me about my last trip, I decided to make this post and tell you guys all about it! On my last trip I went to Finland, Paris, Lille (a city in the North of France, next to the Belgium border), Bruges (Belgium) and Reims (champagne region in France). On this post I'll talk about shopping in Paris!! So let's go..
Lojas de departamento/Department stores
Como chegar?
De carro:Galeries Lafayette: 40, Blvd. Haussmann, 9th arrondissement Printemps: 64, Blvd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris
De metrô: Chaussée d'Antin - Lafayette (Linhas 7,9), Opéra (Linhas 3,7,8), or Havre Caumartin (Linhas 3,9)
De trem (RER): Auber (Linha A) or Haussmann St-Lazare (Linha E)
Quando ir?
Ambas não abrem de domingo!! Quinta é o dia em que ficam abertas até mais tarde, Galeries Lafayette até as 21h e Printemps até as 22h. De segunda a sábado, abrem as 9:30, a Galeries Lafayette fecha as 19:30 e a Printemps as 20h.
The two most famous are Galeries Lafayette and Printemps. They are just like the other europeans department stores we know, Harrods in the UK, El Corte Inglés in Spain. So, you can find everything there, but usually they sell good and not so cheap brands of make-up, men clothing, women clothing, children clothing, sports clothing, things for house decoration and a lot more. For more information about the brands they sell and other stuff, you just have to acess their website: Galeries Lafayette and Printemps. Galeries Lafayette's website is only in French!! But by clicking on "MARQUES" on the right side of the main menu you can see all the brands they sell. In case you decide to go to both of them on the same day, I recommend the ones located at Boulevard Haussmann! That's where you find these stores right next to each other (because Galeries Lafayette has other shops in Paris too).
The two most famous are Galeries Lafayette and Printemps. They are just like the other europeans department stores we know, Harrods in the UK, El Corte Inglés in Spain. So, you can find everything there, but usually they sell good and not so cheap brands of make-up, men clothing, women clothing, children clothing, sports clothing, things for house decoration and a lot more. For more information about the brands they sell and other stuff, you just have to acess their website: Galeries Lafayette and Printemps. Galeries Lafayette's website is only in French!! But by clicking on "MARQUES" on the right side of the main menu you can see all the brands they sell. In case you decide to go to both of them on the same day, I recommend the ones located at Boulevard Haussmann! That's where you find these stores right next to each other (because Galeries Lafayette has other shops in Paris too).
How to get there?
By car:
Galeries Lafayette: 40, Blvd. Haussmann, 9th arrondissement
Printemps: 64, Blvd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris
By metro/subway: Chaussée d'Antin - Lafayette (Lines 7,9), Opéra (Lines 3,7,8), or Havre Caumartin (Lines 3,9)
By train (RER): Auber (Line A) or Haussmann St-Lazare (Line E)
Galeries Lafayette: 40, Blvd. Haussmann, 9th arrondissement
Printemps: 64, Blvd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris
By metro/subway: Chaussée d'Antin - Lafayette (Lines 7,9), Opéra (Lines 3,7,8), or Havre Caumartin (Lines 3,9)
By train (RER): Auber (Line A) or Haussmann St-Lazare (Line E)
When to go?
Both are closed on Sundays!! Thursday is the day they are open till late, Galeries Lafayette until 9p.m and Printemps until 10 p.m. From Monday to Saturday, they open at 9:30 a.m, Galeries Lafayette closes at 7:30 p.m and Printemps at 8 p.m.
Le Triangle d'Or
É nessa área que você encontra todas as grifes!! Dior, Chanel, Ferragamo, Dolce e Gabbana, Prada, Valentino, Bulgari, Gucci e muuuitas outras. Quem vai tirar o dia pra fazer compras, aconselho que comece da Avenue des Champs Elysées, desde o começo (Arco do Trinfo) e desce ela até encontrar uma rotatória que do outro lado já é um parque/jardim, se você virar a direito bem nesse lugar, já vai estar no começo da Avenue Montaigne! No final desse avenida, virando a direita você encontra a Avenue George V e quase no finalzinho dela, onde ela quase encontra a Chaps Elysées de novo, tem a Rue Francois, então realmente forma um triangulo como é conhecida haha.
Como chegar?
De carro: estacione ou peça para o taxi te deixar em qualquer um desses lugares: Avenue Montaigne, Avenue George V e Rue Francois
De metrô: Alma Marceau (Linha 9), George V (Linha 1)
De metrô: Alma Marceau (Linha 9), George V (Linha 1)
Quando ir?
Bom, como são váaarias lojas é difícil dar um horário pra todas e mais impossível ainda dizer o horário de cada uma, mas no geral, abrem as 10h e fecham as 19h de segunda a sábado. Janeiro e julho são os meses de promoção!!! então quem estiver por lá, vale dar uma passada haha.
This is where you find the haute couture shops!! Dior, Chanel, Ferragamo, Dolce e Gabbana, Prada, Valentino, Bulgari, Gucci and a looot more. If you are taking the day to go shopping. I really recommend you start from Avenue Champs Elyesées, right from where it starts (Arc de Triomphe) and walk till a roundabout, where there is a kind of garden/park on the other side, if you turn to you right, right there, you be in the beginning of Avenue Montaigne! On the end of that avenue, turning to your right once again, you'll find Avenue George V e almost where it ends, where it almost crosses Champs Elysées again, you'll see Rue Francois, so after all, it really looks like a triangle, just like it's called.
How to get there?
By car: park or ask the taxi to leave you at any of these places: Avenue Montaigne, Avenue George V and Rue Francois
By metro/subway: Alma Marceau (Line 9), George V (Line 1)
By metro/subway: Alma Marceau (Line 9), George V (Line 1)
When to go?
Since there are a looot of stores, it's hard to say an opening and closing hours for all of them, but most of them usually open at 10 a.m and are closed by 7 p.m from Monday till Saturday. On January and July they are on sale!! So if you are visiting Paris on those months, it's worth stopping by.
Avenue des Champs Elysées
Essa avenida é maravilhosa e você consegue dar uma passadinha por ela num dia tipo de turista conhecendo as atrações. De um lado, bem no começo, tem o Arco do Trinfo (acho que a subida pra ver Paris de cima vale a pena, eu pelo menos achei!), e do outro lado, a Place de La Concord, que seguindo até o final, você chega no Louvre! Essa avenida tem um pouco de tudo, desde Cartier, MontBlanc, Louis Vuitton até Zara, H&M e GAP. Recomendo uma paradinha na Ladurée pra comer macarons!
Como chegar?
De carro: só estacionar ou pedir para o taxi te deixar na Avenue des Champs Elysées
De metrô: Charles de Gaulle - Étoile (Linhas 1, 2 e 6), George V (Linha 1), Franklin D. Roosevelt (Linhas 1 e 9), Champs-Élysées - Clemenceau (Linhas 1 e 13).
De trem (RER): Charles de Gaulle - Étoile (Linha A).
De trem (RER): Charles de Gaulle - Étoile (Linha A).
Quando ir?
No geral abrem as 10h e fecham as 20h, mas pode variar de uma loja pra outra, por exemplo a H&M fica aberta até meia noite!! haha
This avenue is amazing and you can go by it on a typical tourist day. On one side, right where it starts, you have the Arc du Triomphe (I really think going up and seeing Paris from the top is worth it, at least that's my opinion), and on the other side, Place de La Concord, which if you keep following, you'll get to the Louvre museum! This avenue has a little bit of everything, since Cartier, MontBlanc, Louis Vuitton till Zara, H&M and GAP. A stop by Ladurée to eat some macarons along the way would be perfect!
How to get there?
By car: just park or ask the taxi to drop you off at Avenue des Champs Elysées
By metro/subway: Charles de Gaulle - Étoile (Lines 1, 2 e 6), George V (Line 1), Franklin D. Roosevelt (Lines 1 e 9), Champs-Élysées - Clemenceau (Lines 1 e 13).
By train (RER): Charles de Gaulle - Étoile (Line A). When to go?
Most of the stores open at 10 a.m and close at 8 p.m, but that can change from one store to another, for example, H&M is open till midnight!! haha
Bom, o único que fui e que por isso posso recomendar é o La Vallée Village. Passei por ela na primeira vez que fui pra Paris, ou seja, nessa última não tive a oportunidade de passar por lá. Mas, a última vez que fui, gostei bastante. É só procurar que a gente acha umas peças legais, massssss, não vão pensando que o preço é de outlet igual os de Miami, Orlando... mas sem dúvidas pra preços europeus, vale a pena! Você consegue acessar o site do outlet clicando aqui. Como qualquer outlet, ele é mais afastado da cidade, fica só a 5 minutos da Disney de Paris (por isso fui da primeira vez, fiquei lá por perto), de carro, demora em média uns 30 minutos do centro de Paris. Tem várias marcas, como Armani, Burberry, Céline, Coach.. etc
Como chegar?
De carro: 3 Cours de la Garonne, 77700, Serris
De onibus: tem um onibus express que sai de alguns lugares de Paris e custam 25 euros (adultos) e 13 euros (crianças 3-11 anos), para mais informações sobre horários e locais de partida desse ônibus, clique aqui.
De metrô/trem (RER): a estação mais próxima é a Val d'Europe/Serris Montévrain (linha A4). Da estação até o outlet é uma caminhada de 10 minutos, e de domingo tem um shuttle de graça de 20 em 20 minutos.
De onibus: tem um onibus express que sai de alguns lugares de Paris e custam 25 euros (adultos) e 13 euros (crianças 3-11 anos), para mais informações sobre horários e locais de partida desse ônibus, clique aqui.
De metrô/trem (RER): a estação mais próxima é a Val d'Europe/Serris Montévrain (linha A4). Da estação até o outlet é uma caminhada de 10 minutos, e de domingo tem um shuttle de graça de 20 em 20 minutos.
Quando ir?
Aberto todos os dias das 10h as 19h, menos no Natal, ano novo e primeiro de maio.
Since this is the only outlet I've been in Paris, it's the only one I'm able to recommend, but of course, there are others. The name is La Vallée Village. I was there on my first trip to Paris, so the last time I was there I didn't get the chance to visit it. But the last time I went, I really liked it. If you take a good look you can find really nice stuff, butttt, don't think the prices are like the Miami or Orlando's outlets... but comparing to european prices, it's worth it for sure! You can acess the outlet's website by clicking here. Just like any other outlet, it's far from the city center, it's only 5 minutes from Paris' Disneyland (that's why I went there the first time, I stayed at a hotel near by), by car, it takes 30 minutes from the city center. You can find many brands like Armani, Burberry, Céline, Coach, etc.
How to get there?
By car: 3 Cours de la Garonne, 77700, Serris
By bus: there is an express bus that leaves from Paris e it costs 25 euros (adults) and 13 euros (children 3-11 years-old), for more information about where and when it leaves, click here.
By metro/train (RER): the nearest station is Val d'Europe/Serris Montévrain (line A4) From the station till the outlet it's a 10 minute walk, and on Sundays there is a free shuttle bus that leaves every 20 minutes.
By metro/train (RER): the nearest station is Val d'Europe/Serris Montévrain (line A4) From the station till the outlet it's a 10 minute walk, and on Sundays there is a free shuttle bus that leaves every 20 minutes.
When to go?
It's open everyday from 10 a.m till 7 p.m, except on Christmas, New Year and May 1st.
Esses são os lugares que tive a oportunidade de conhecer e que recomendo! Claro que Paris é enormeeee e existem outros lugares pra comprar também, mas não acho leal recomendar algo que não conheço. É isso gente, no próximo post falo dos passeios, lugares que você não pode deixar de visitar, etc. Beijosss, espero que tenham gostado.
These are the places I had the opportunity to visit and that I recommend! Of course Paris is huge and that there are many other places you can shop, but I don't think it would be nice to recommend since I didn't get the chance to know them. So that's it guys, on the next post I'll talk about sightseeing, places you have to visit and stuff. x.o, hope you liked it!!
Esses são os lugares que tive a oportunidade de conhecer e que recomendo! Claro que Paris é enormeeee e existem outros lugares pra comprar também, mas não acho leal recomendar algo que não conheço. É isso gente, no próximo post falo dos passeios, lugares que você não pode deixar de visitar, etc. Beijosss, espero que tenham gostado.
These are the places I had the opportunity to visit and that I recommend! Of course Paris is huge and that there are many other places you can shop, but I don't think it would be nice to recommend since I didn't get the chance to know them. So that's it guys, on the next post I'll talk about sightseeing, places you have to visit and stuff. x.o, hope you liked it!!
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