A entrevista dessa semana foi com a Isabela Freitas, dona do blog Isabela Freitas! Além de sempre postar coisas interessantes no blog, escrever aqueles textos com os quais nós sempre nos identificamos, ela foi um amor de pessoa no pouco que conversei com ela. Confiram a entrevista:
Hey girls!
The interview of this week was with Isabela Freitas, the owner of Isabela Freitas blog! Girls all over Brazil read her blog and connect to her words and things she posts... and btw, she is super nice!! Check out the interview:
Nome/Name: Isabela Ribeiro Freitas
Idade/Age: 21 anos/years
Cidade/City: Juiz de Fora
Namora? Sim, há 1 ano e meio.
Dating? Yes, it's been 1 year and a half.
Dating? Yes, it's been 1 year and a half.
Profissão: Estudante e blogueira nas horas vagas hehe
Occupation: Student and blogger in my free time, hehe
Occupation: Student and blogger in my free time, hehe
Um vício/An addiction: iPhone
Uma frase/A phrase: Be Strong, Believe.
Uma música/A music: "Forever Young''
Um livro/ A book: Harry Potter, meu vício e paixão.
Um filme: Uma Prova de Amor, filme mais lindo que já assisti. Chorei em todas cenas.
A movie: My sister's keeper, the most beautiful movie I've even seen! I cried in all the scenes.
A movie: My sister's keeper, the most beautiful movie I've even seen! I cried in all the scenes.
Se inspira em alguém? Audrey Hepburn e Marilyn Monroe. Minhas duas divas masters!
Who inspiers you? Audrey Hepburn e Marilyn Monroe. My two master divas!
Who inspiers you? Audrey Hepburn e Marilyn Monroe. My two master divas!
Defeitos: Sinceridade ao extremo. Machuco muitas pessoas falando a verdade...
Weakness: Sincerity to the extreme. I hurt a lot of people by telling the truth..
Weakness: Sincerity to the extreme. I hurt a lot of people by telling the truth..
Qualidades: Sinceridade também, Há quem goste de ouvir a verdade, né?
Qualities: Also sincerity, there are people who like to hear the truth, aren't there?
Qualities: Also sincerity, there are people who like to hear the truth, aren't there?
Coisas que não sai de casa sem: meu bêbê iPhone e algum batom!
Things that you don't leave your house without: My baby iPhone and some lipstick!
Things that you don't leave your house without: My baby iPhone and some lipstick!
Um lugar/A place: California
Uma viagem perfeita: Qualquer uma com muitos amigos e dias de sol!
A perfect trip: Anywhere with a lot of friend and sunny days!
A perfect trip: Anywhere with a lot of friend and sunny days!
Moraria em: Tcharanss.. California! Meu sonho de vida.
You would live in: Tcharanss.. California! My dream!
You would live in: Tcharanss.. California! My dream!
Sonho de consumo: No momento, um Prada Baroque.
Consumption dream: Right now, a Prada Baroque.
Consumption dream: Right now, a Prada Baroque.
Marca favorita: Mac, não vivo sem os batons da Mac!
Favorite brand: Mac, I can't live withou Mac lipsticks!
Favorite brand: Mac, I can't live withou Mac lipsticks!
Não vive sem: Rímel.
Can't live without: Mascara.
Can't live without: Mascara.
Lugares que mais frequenta: Adoro sentar em barzinhos com as amigas, ir em pubs, boates. Gosto muito de sair e falar e falar e falar. Hehe
Places you usually go: I love going to some bars, pubs and clubs with my friend! I like to go out and talk talk talk and talk. Hehe
Places you usually go: I love going to some bars, pubs and clubs with my friend! I like to go out and talk talk talk and talk. Hehe
Um sonho: Ser independente financeiramente. Acho que toda mulher deveria sonhar com isso.
A dream: Be financially independent. I think every women should dream about that.
A dream: Be financially independent. I think every women should dream about that.
O que mais te irrita: Mentiras. Tenho ódio, pavor, nojo de pessoas mentirosas. Não consigo lidar!
What pisses you off the most: I hate and I'm disgusted by liars. I can't handle it!
What pisses you off the most: I hate and I'm disgusted by liars. I can't handle it!
O que sempre te deixa feliz: Ver os meus amigos felizes, de verdade, eles são tudo pra mim.
What makes you happy: Seeing my friends happy, really, they are everything to me.
What makes you happy: Seeing my friends happy, really, they are everything to me.
Comida preferida: Algo que envolva catupiry. Hmm!
Favorite food: Anything that has catupiry. Hmmm!
Favorite food: Anything that has catupiry. Hmmm!
Como se vê daqui 5 anos: Ryyyyca morando na California (hahaha), espero!
How do you see yourself 5 years from now: Richhhhhh living in California (hahaha), I hope!
How do you see yourself 5 years from now: Richhhhhh living in California (hahaha), I hope!
Um lema: Não se apega não!
A slogan: No, don't get attatched!
A slogan: No, don't get attatched!
Da onde surgiu a ideia do blog? Surgiu do pedido das minhas seguidoras no twitter, elas adoravam minhas frases e queriam ler mais sobre o meu tipo diferente de pensar. Deu no que deu, criei e foi um sucesso. Hoje trabalho muito no blog, me dedico e faço de tudo para que todas vocês se sintam como se estivessem conversando com suas melhores amigas.
How did the idea of making a blog come up? By the request that my followers on twitter did, they loved my phrases and wanted to read more about my different way of thinking. So, I did it and it was a success. Nowadays I work a lot on the blog, I dedicate myfelf, I do everything so that all of you feel like you were talking to your bestfriends!
How did the idea of making a blog come up? By the request that my followers on twitter did, they loved my phrases and wanted to read more about my different way of thinking. So, I did it and it was a success. Nowadays I work a lot on the blog, I dedicate myfelf, I do everything so that all of you feel like you were talking to your bestfriends!
Assim como todas as tuas outras leitoras, eu gosto muito de acompanhar o teu blog apesar de comentar raramente e te seguir no twitter. Beijos
ResponderExcluirAmo o blog dela nossa um texto melhor que o outro , to seguindo seu blog www.mandaliveira.blogspot.com
ResponderExcluirAdoro o blog, os textos são maravilhosos.